What Would You Do With £100,000?

Have you ever thought of those who have money being wise about money? You would be wrong to think so; managing money is troublesome for both the well to do and those who have none.

We were in a coffee shop catching up on life when my friend asked me what I would do if I had £100, 000. I asked him if he had the said amount and wanted advice on what to do with money, but he would not budge until I answered his question.

After telling him what I would do with the money, he then told me what he would and that a friend of his had such an amount sitting in the bank, doing nothing. He also told me the money had been in the bank for a while and his friend didn’t have a clue what to do.

The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about the various things one could do with a hundred grand. We also lamented at how ridiculous it was to have such a large sum of money and not use it wisely. One of the things we agreed was how wasteful it was to have money sitting in the bank doing nothing -- and especially in a basic saving account.

The irony of it all was that his friend was working for a bank. Not only do you expect someone who worked in a bank to know how to manage money, you would also expect his employers to advice him on the best home for his money.

Our friend was busy working and making money for others, forgetting to make money for himself. If only he knew all he had to do was, think of how to manage and grow his money, then he would not have to work long hours.

As we walked home, we concluded that making and managing money was something to be learnt, and the mere having of money did not mean one was financially astute. We also agreed our money should be working as hard as we are. As we made our separate ways, we shook hands to not wasting money.