Saving Your Way To Financial Freedom

They say cut your coat according to your cloth. This is very true as far as your personal expenses are concerned. Apart from increasing your income (which is not so easy), saving is one way by which you can easily cut down your financial setbacks in a big way.

By being a little thrifty in your spending, on simple things like food, shelter, clothing and transportation, you can save a lot of money.

Cook at home

Are you fast becoming a fast food nut? Well, did you know that eating out contributes to your mounting expenses more than anything else does? More so it causes health problems. Even if you are a busy professional, you can cook at home. The trick is - take out some time, cook at once and eat it over a period of time. Go ahead and invest in a crock pot (or a slow cooker). It costs anywhere between $20 and $80. You can cook delicious stews, soups and other stuff over the weekend. And what’s more, it’s fun, cheap and healthy too. You can freeze this and use this later. Every time you sit down to eat, all you have to do is to heat it up in the microwave. Now that’s going to be a happy change, for sure.

Dump the car

Save your costs on gas, maintenance and insurance. Travel smooth in carpools and public transportation like bus, light rail or train. It will even save you the mental hassle of being stuck in a messy traffic jam. If your workplace is close, walk down or bike your way to it. You will end up burning those evil calories and keeping your blood pressure in check. What’s more, you will take out more time to have a good look at the world around you.

Save on housing costs

Do your own repairs, changes and overhauling. It is an easy way to cut down your expenses on the maintenance of your house.

Ask your local hardware store for tips to help you, free of cost. Do interior jobs on your own. Get creative and try your hand at painting and home decor. Not only will you save money but also be praised for the good job that you will do.

Cut your coat

Well, clothing is a major area of expenses, more so, if you have a family.

Try to use second hand clothes and learn to do your mending jobs. Use clothes line to dry your clothes rather than a dryer. See the difference.

Get rid of addiction

If you spend $5 daily on cigarettes, you are actually spending $1825 a year. So more than anything, your cigarette is burning a hole in your pocket.

Similarly with spending $10 a week on liquor, you end up with an annual bill of $520.Both put together add up to a whopping $2345! Does that ring a bell? Well, that money could be used to pay back your loans or could simply be saved.