When the thought of facing foreclosure and possibility of losing your house runs through you mind, you probably are trying to come up with ways to avoid foreclosure, which means one thing: having the money to pay the mortgage bill. Every little penny matters and can help make the payments. If the possibility of foreclosure is on you mind, this is the time you want to learn the art of frugality.
To add to the list today you will be learning about how to save money on entertainment. If you learn the tips within in the article series you should be able to save thousands of dollars a years. If you are doing this; then you will help yourself avoid foreclosure not only this year, but for years to come. Just because you are trying to save money doesn't mean you have to lock yourself inside and never do anything -- what fun would that be and how long would it last?
Free concerts. Many towns and cities have free concerts you can go to in the summer; check out a local newspaper. It will usually have a list of free ones in the leisure section. It is fun and you get to be around other people, listening to good music.
Save on movies. Instead of going to a movies sign up for online movie sites and watch several movies a month for the same prices you spend at the theater. Plus you can eat popcorn and home and save yourself another 10 dollars and get twice as much.
Learn the happenings at your local library. A library is a good place to go when saving money. Here you can check out movies, CDs and books for free. Also they will sometimes have free events and book readings you can attend.
Take advantage of Tuesdays. Tuesdays are usually a slow day for businesses in general: restaurants offer food specials, museums are usually free and people want your business this day. So keep your eyes open for specials this day.
Board games. Purchases a few board games and having friends over for a game night is a good way to socialize and not spend much money. It can lead to hours of laughs and is better then hanging out at some noisy bar.
Take up running for your sport. Running is a free way to exercise and you get to see parts of your town you may not have been aware of before going out for a run. Instead of joining an expensive gym, do push ups and sit-ups at home, then go for a run. This right here can save you several hundred dollars a year.
So put some of these options into action and see how much money you end up saving a month. You would be surprised to find out how much it is. I know several people that go through half their paycheck in a week; if they learn to spend wisely they would have money in their savings account. You never know when you could loose your job or are in a financial hardship and it will be there for you to pay your mortgage.
LJ Adama writes articles on financial advice and foreclosure help. To get better ideas on how to stop foreclosure Or to learn about loan modification and foreclosure prevention methods please visit http://www.foreclosurefish.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=LJ_Adama
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