How to Survive the Depression

Many people today are asking how to survive the depression. Although, only a recession has been officially declared, some believe a full blown depression is looming and they want to be fully prepared.

The best way to survive the depression is by keeping a hold of your job if at all possible. One of the worst signs of a depression is high and chronic unemployment. Many companies may be considering making redundancies in response to the depression. Try your best not be among those that are axed. A high level of conscientiousness at work is advisable. If you are one of the employees with the highest productivity, your employer will be less inclined to put your name at the top of the layoff list.

During a depression there is usually less money to spend and goods and services become more expensive. You can survive the depression by being much more frugal with your expenditure. Cut down on household bills by making use of low energy alternatives in lighting, for example. You can cook many meals in one go and store in the freezer. Try to make calls only during off peak hours and make the most of free talk time offers. Look after your clothes properly so that less needs to be spent on your wardrobe. You can also try shopping in bulk at the supermarket to make use of cost saving multi-buys.

You can survive the depression without having to forgo on leisure and entertainment. You may just need to make some adjustments in this area of your life. A depression is a good time to spend time together with friends. Instead of going to the cinema, why not all gather around someone's home to watch a DVD? Substitutes to expensive restaurants can be cook-offs at home. Take it in turns to host a meal. You can also use this as a game similar to those on reality TV shows where points are awarded for the best meal.

You can survive the depression by applying equal amounts of careful planning, expenditure reduction and creativity.