Top 4 Tips to Finding Your Unclaimed Money

Find Your Unclaimed Money

When searching for your unclaimed money there are a few things you should know to ensure you FIND ALL the MONEY owed to you:

Most unclaimed money searched are conducted by entering your name and searching to see if there is money reported as unclaimed money under your name. Search by your legal name AND variations of your legal name. Bradford Jones may be listed as Brad Jones or B. Jones. When you search a good database they will do this for you automatically.

Don't Look Only in Your State!

Many people look only in their states database for unclaimed money. The problem is, companies do not always report your money in your state of residence. This is especially true if the company that turned over the money did not have an address for you or it is an inheritance. Search in a database that has money from ALL STATE and FEDERAL databases This will give you a wide search, without you having to individually search 60+ databases!

Don't Be A Selfish Searcher

Search the names of family and close friends to see if they are owed money as well! Chances are they haven't looked for themselves.

Use a QUALITY database when you conduct your search

A "quality" database is a database that
- Has money from ALL STATE and FEDERAL databases
- Searches your name AND name variations for you
- Updates its database frequently
- Provides information on claiming your unclaimed money
- Offers you a Free Search
to see if there is any money owed to your name before you have to enter the database

Searching for your unclaimed money does not have to be difficult. Following the above tips will help ensure you find the unclaimed money owed to you and your family!