Financial Freedom Wants and Dreams

How many times have you read or seen in the media advertisements from financial institutions telling you to give them your money, and they will achieve financial freedom for you? These ads are all over the media because the two words financial freedom is the new “Buzzwords” that are used by these financial institutions today to get you to give them your money.

If a financial institution promises you that they will give you something that you want you will tend to believe them whether they can actually deliver are not. Many financial institutions use these buzzwords to attract you into their fold and believe they can do what they say they will do. This is being lulled into a false sense of security.

It is impossible for the financial institutions to achieve financial freedom for you. Financial freedom is achieved by you and you only. Let’s explore what the true definition of financial freedom really is; it’s when your wealth works for you, not you working for it.

The financial institutions achieve financial freedom for themselves, at your expense. These financial institutions have armies of people known as, financial planners, persuading consumers two give them their money. Once the consumers give the financial institutions their money they have agreed indirectly to let them take fees and charges from these dollars for as long as they want, or until there’s no money left. In good times the consumers receive some growth on their money, but in bad times their money is eroded away. In all cases the financial institutions take their fees and charges and commissions during growth periods and loss periods.

The financial institutions practice financial freedom for themselves and you are contributing to their financial freedom. If you don’t believe this open the newspaper or do Google search on the wealth that the people at the top of these companies earn. These dollars come from you!

Financial freedom comes from you personally achieving your wants and dreams, not by any financial institution. How do you do this? This is done through a clear understanding of the “Law of Attraction”. Now you’re probably asking what the “Law of Attraction” is. The “Law of Attraction” is a natural law of the universe that allows you to attract what you want and dream about, and the reciprocal receiving of what you put into the universe. In other words if you put out good things good things will come back to you and vice versa.

The “Law of Attraction” must deliver what you think about, into your reality. So many times people live mediocre lives because they do not allow themselves the luxury of thinking, solely about their wants and dreams. If you don’t know what you want, then the universe cannot deliver it to you. You must program your subconscious mind with what it is you’re wanting.

The simple fact about the subconscious mind is that it doesn’t know the difference between imaginary in real it thinks everything you think about is real therefore it must deliver what you think about. The subconscious mind is very powerful and it has the ability to connect with your creator and give you what it is you want without question. It’s like a “genie in a bottle”. It will deliver without question what you tell it to deliver when you want it.

There are many books are written about this subject and a process. This process is as old as time but put down by many people as “new age”. When in reality there is nothing new age about it is very old, with a proven track record of success over the centuries. One of the books that is very popular about how this process works is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Napoleon hill learn this information from Andrew Carnegie who at that time was the wealthiest man in the world. He wrote it in his book in the early nineteen hundreds with hundreds of thousands of copies sold to date, in many different languages.

The statistics prove true as to who will actually practice this way of thinking or not. If 10% of the people control 90% of the world’s wealth than this proves that the financial institutions, financial planners or advisers, and many accounts are wrong otherwise the 90% would be in control wouldn’t they? The 10% will always excel and think outside the box, the90% will stay in the box.

If you’re reading this article without a background in the “Law of Attraction” you probably should do a little research into how this law works. One of the best places to learn is by watching “The Secret” which explains the “Law of Attraction” from many different perspectives.

Within our Personal Economic Coach process we guide our clients into building economic models which simulate their economic future, along with building a wants based model of their wants and dreams throughout their life. Through these dual modeling processes clients are able to simulate their financial future, see the mistakes before they are made than correct them. It’s like having a financial crystal ball! After the economic models are built the wants to based model is built simulating their wants and dreams throughout their life.