The Process of One Hour Payday Loans

It can be a scary feeling having bills looming on the immediate horizon that you do not have the resources to pay for. Bills that are going to result in the termination of some type of service, your water or electricity for example. Many times people are fortunate enough to be able to borrow money from family or friends. But in those instances when no other type of assistance is available it is comforting to know that a quick cash advance can be easily obtained. The solution comes in the form of a one hour payday loan. These loans have become so readily available that anyone who fits just a few basic requirements can qualify for quick cash. If you are 18 years of age and have held the same job for the last six months then you could be well on your way to a one hour payday loan.

You can still find walk-in establishments that will help you out but these days most people simply go online to find sources for payday loans, there are many. An internet search will quickly turn up dozens of lenders willing to help you out of a financial jam and the application process is a breeze. You will need to have your banking information ready as they will need to know where to direct deposit the funds. Be certain that all the information such as account numbers, routing numbers, social security numbers, etc. are valid. Lenders have the means to verify this information and will reject your application if the information is erroneous. Lenders prefer to serve those employed outside the home and not self employed because of the fluctuation of assets that comes with self employment. The lender needs to know for certain that the money is going to be available when you repay date rolls around.

As soon as you complete your application and submit it online the lender will need to verify that you earn about $1200-$1500 a month. One hour payday loan companies also try and refrain from doing business with applicants who are in the military and people who's income consists of receiving benefits. You will also be turned away if you have ever defaulted on a previous payday loan or you have a current loan out with another company. The approval process takes just minutes from the time that you submit your application. Once approved the funds are wire transferred directly into your account and are available for immediate withdrawal. When your loan comes due, generally no more than a month and usually just two weeks later, the lending institution simply withdraws the amount of the loan, plus interest and fees, back out of your account. It's that easy. So don't let the thought of overdue bills worry you, with a one hour payday loan literally at your fingertips you can borrow anywhere from $100-$1000 and avoid shut offs and reconnection fees and maybe in the process prevent another glitch on your credit history along the way.

Jennifer Meinert is an established author who enjoys writing and reviewing many topics including payday one hour and cash advance payday loans. Please visit her site at

How Do Payday Loan Advances Really Work?

Are you interested in receiving a payday loan advance? Are you not quite sure how these loans work and what the process is to get one? Well, they are very simple loans-in terms of the application process and the financing and repayment of them. These loans are based on what your regular paycheck amount is and then repaid in full on your next payday.

Many lenders do not pull a credit history to approve someone for a payday loan. This is because repayment is guaranteed-it comes directly from your next paycheck. If you are worried about your credit history being used to determine your eligibility for a payday loan advance, read through the lenders policies and guidelines first before applying.

Once filling out and submitting your online application, the approval process usually only takes a few minutes, if that long. Many online lenders are able to tell you right away if you are approved or not. If you do not get an immediate response, then further verification from you may be needed. Once you are pre-approved you may be requested to provide some sort of supporting documentation verifying your employment and income (such as faxing paycheck stubs to company). Other companies do not require this and will do the whole loan without you having to fax anything. After the company verifies your identity, your employment, and your income, then you usually receive a direct deposit of the loan proceeds into the bank account that you provided to the lender. This usually happens in 24 hours or less.

Do be careful when choosing your online lender. Due to the short duration of these loans, the interest rate and any applicable fees may be high. Do some research to find a lender with a reasonable rate. Also make sure that you do not borrow the money for a longer period of time than necessary. Doing so will cause you to pay back more money in interest than needed.

Jessie Bowers is an expert financial analyst and has been offering her valuable advice about legit payday loan lenders for quite sometime now. Please visit her website for more information on payday cash advance.

If You Need to Handle Cash-Flow Problems Payday Loan Advance

It happens more than some may think; another week or more until payday and an unexpected expense comes up. It may be a utility bill (or worse, a shut off notice) or maybe an emergency car repair. Whatever it is, money is needed fast. With a payday loan advance, you can get that money, whenever you need it. A payday loan advance is a short term loan for which you need no collateral and you need not fax any documentation. There is a simple online application to be filled out. As long as the applicant is over 18, employed and has a current checking account, the loan is normally approved and the money deposited into the applicant's bank account within hours.

Interest rates and fees vary, even among paycheck advance loan institutions, so you will want to check the terms and conditions carefully. Some places charge 30% on their loans while most only charge 20%. The loans are for a period of time between 2-4 weeks but most commonly 2 weeks. This gives the borrower enough time to pay the emergency expense and also get their next paycheck. It is quite literally like getting a loan on your next payday. Try to plan carefully so that when the loan is repaid, there is still money to live off of.

Life's little emergencies happen to everyone. Payday doesn't always come when it is needed. For times when extra cash is needed and payday is far off, think payday loan advance. The money is there for you,, whatever you need it for. Even if you want to take a weekend getaway, you can use a payday loan advance to do it. There are no questions asked. It's nice to know that no matter how far away payday is, there is money available here and now with a payday loan advance.

Jessie Bowers is an expert financial analyst and has been offering her valuable advice about safe legitimate payday loans for quite sometime now. Please visit her website for more information on advance payday loans.

Fast and Easy Payday Loan Advance

Now, you can get a cash advance by submitting an online application. It never has been easier to get the cash you are in urgent need for. Within a minute's time, you can already be approved for a payday loan advance and the money will be in your bank account by the next business day. If you are facing a dire emergency, these types of loans are here to assist you in your time of need.

Cash Advance or Payday Loans

There are many terms associated with payday loans, such as check loan, post-dated loan, or cash advance. No matter what you call it, they are the same type of loan. They are short-term in nature and you can borrow the same amount of money, which is from $100 to $1,000, depending on your lender.

The purpose of payday loan advances is to assist during financial emergencies that may occur when you least expect it. Instead of paying fees on late payments or bounced checks, you now have the option to secure a cash advance against your next pay check. You will save money if you choose to get a loan as an alternative to paying all of the fees you may be charged if you don't pay your bills on time. When your next payday arrives or in thirty days, you can repay the loan. If you choose to extend the loan, additional fees will apply.

Simple Application Process

You can currently get a payday loan advance by simply applying online from your home or anywhere else that has internet access. When you choose an appropriate lender's website, just enter your personal contact information and history of employment. The only requirements are that you have include that you must be an adult and have had the same job for three months. Your application will be reviewed within five minutes, and you will receive a notice (probably through e-mail) if you have been approved for the amount you asked to borrow.

Get a Cash Advance Quick

On the application, you provide your checking account routing number. Once approved, the lender will automatically deposit your funds in your bank account by the next business day. That is very quick service!

Hassle-Free Repayment Plan

You can also repay your loan through their online service. You will usually get the option of choosing from the following repayment plans when your loan is due: 1.) You can elect to pay only the finance charges, 2.) You can pay the entire loan off, or 3.) You can pay only a portion of the loan. If you extend your loan, you will also have the option of changing your re-payment plan to suit your current needs; however, this is entitled to more fees added to your existing loan sum.

Convenient Customer Service

There are many methods of contact the lender's customer service department if an issue arises. Generally, you can call or e-mail the lender. However, now there are even more ways of getting in touch with your lender. Now, your lender will answer your pressing questions by fax or an instant messaging service. The websites will also include relevant information to help answer your questions, such as their interest rate charges, re-payment plans, and frequently asked questions/answers.

Jessie Bowers is an expert financial analyst and has been offering her valuable advice about legit payday loans for quite sometime now. Please visit her website for more information on online cash loans.