I'm not suggesting that people earn money easily by becoming models and charging high fees for head shots. When I say you can make money by using your head, I'm implying that the method helping people make a lot of money is all about thinking and little else. Certainly you've thought a lot about money, but have you considered the depths of that or the implications of your thoughts? Probably not and why would you? Most people don't and have no idea that they should.
For those that know thoughts, ideas and spirituality have everything to do with how you can earn money easily; the idea that others are unaware is mind-boggling. To make a complex theory easy, lets simply agree we all have subconscious ideas, thoughts, beliefs and alike. Now that we've agreed upon that, let's further agree that these entities affect our lives. Of course they do, that is simple logic. This is the classic descriptors we give friends and others we know: "she's pessimistic; optimistic; negative; positive, etc).
So, taking it a step further and applying it to finances is the next logical, and very wise, step. Folks like Brad Yates have developed programs based on this theory, which is no new and is gaining popularity and coverage. As time goes on and people become more aware, the correlation between spiritual, emotional, psychological and financial wellness becomes more pronounced. It's changing the way people learn, do business and, most importantly: live.
If you really want to earn money easily then you need to make things simple. Taking care of yourself, starting with you, is the best investment and course of action. Anyone who tells you otherwise has stake in your decision somehow, so think for yourself, about what I've said and then learn how to change those thoughts to make you money. Good luck.